
Need support?

If you have been injured by healthcare provided in Victoria, or are a supporting or surviving family member, join our private Facebook group for support, information and more.

The group is facilitated and moderated by FairCare’s founding directors and provides authoritative information and guidance for its members. People can access the support group by request and if they agree to follow the group rules.

FairCare enabled support

FairCare Alliance is working on arrangements for other types of health and social support for our valued members. 

Subscribe to FairCare and receive this free guide to help you navigate the Victorian complaint and legal systems following medical treatment injury

How FairCare helps you

Founding Director Nick Mann explains how FairCare offers support and assistance to people following injury from medical treatment.


Crisis support

For urgent care or advice please click on the button below. It will take you to the Victorian Department of Health services contact details. Please select the most appropriate services for your situation.